Friday, October 28, 2011


Dear God

I am not quite sure how it all works, but God thank you for the people in my life.  The way they talk and the things they say.  It feels like i have know them my whole life but in fact it has been no time at all.  They say such nice things about you that my heart feels happy to know you the same way.  It has been hard and i am sorry, im sorry i tend to forget about you i think its not fair because you never forget about me and i know that now.

I have met such nice people that teach me about you, they read to me from the bible and my hair stands on end at how amazed i am.  God you always know what i need when i need it, people say the right things at the right time.  its AMAZING and i know its not luck or coincidence its you and only you.

My bible is a biography of you, its my life coach, its officially my manual and guide on how to live the life.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Dear God

I have a friend that talks about you a whole lot, she teaches me about you and tells me such wonderful things about you,  i got to know you thanks to the wonderful mother you gave me and as i have gotten older she has always supported the routes i have chosen to take, but she has always mentioned you every step of the way.

God i want to ask for the strength to carry on this path that leads me to you, its very easy for me to go off course because of all the tears and appointment's in myself and in the people and situations in my life, it is so easy to go off course when it comes to you.  Please God give me the strength to be more like the other people in my life that no matter what happens they know the only persons opinion that matters in the end is ours.

God I am sorry that i cause you so much heart ache, but i am going to work on being more like you and to see you in everything i do.  we sing a song down here and we say, Trust in the Lord always!!!

From this day forward, those will be the words on my lips.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Testing times

Dear God

God yesturday was a testing day, sometimes I feel might be the cause of peoples unhappiness, towards me and around me. God if that is the case rather remove me from these situations I never want to be the cause of that.

I made a few people smile, the were very happy at the oppertunity that was given to them that was an amazing feeling, but to be around the unhappiness that surrounds the happiness was truly testing. could not enjoy my efforts from the last few months, it was like a dark cloud hanging over everything.

God I ask that you help me find my way, to find a place where people are pleased with my efforts, and where i add value and to glorify you that is all that matters.


Sunday, October 16, 2011


Dear God

Today learnt about friendship, not just any friendship but one that is truly unconditional, a friendship that will last a life time, you know my past, and you know my faults but yet you still accept me for who am.

God, sometimes i think you think am stronger than what really am, the tests of faith, test of my character, and just my general strength to get though tough times, but you do know me better than i know myself and even in the hard times i know can turn to you for guidance.

Lord, i pray that there will be light at the end of this tunnel that i am where i am today because that is exactly where you wanted me to be. thank you for the unconditional love and friendship am so privileged to have with you.


Friday, October 14, 2011

My lifes Planned

Dear God

I have been reading the bible, which I now think as my handbook for my life, I have learnt amazing things, things that I never knew. they are the answers to my questions and over and over again i see how well you know me, how you have a plan for my life.

When I meet people, and they teach me things you are first to come to mind, how you placed those people in my life at very specific times so that could learn something. God you are truly and amazing God and thank you just does not seem enough.

I knew you even before you were conceived Jeremiah 1:4-5

I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live Acts 17:26

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thank you

Dear God

i am still new at this, and am still getting to know you but today i got the opportunity to learn about your son, Jesus what you gave up as a father and what he had to go through to save us from ourselves.  I truly now have a much deeper understanding, God thank you for what you gave up and i thank Jesus for what he did, in that last moment i know i would have given up, that horrific touchier he had to go through, that's what is the shock factor for me and he did that for ME?

The spirit is willing but the body is weak (Matthew 26:41) that is absolutely heart wrenching, we have trials in our lives, daily but our reaction is not the reaction that is expected of us. It is not the reaction that Jesus would have had.

Jesus was alone in all of this, i can only imagine how much despair he felt, through those pain staking hours, all to one day save us from ourselves.